Monday, February 15, 2010

Veins On Boobs Period Blue Veins On Boobs And Very Sore Nipples... Sign Of Period Or Pregnancy?

Blue veins on boobs and very sore nipples... sign of period or pregnancy? - veins on boobs period

First, my husband is all inclusive, it is our first attempt month control (the Pill). If I ovulate on 14 Day (as I usually do not) I am 20dpo, but could have still ovulate this month as an effect of coming from the pill! I tested last week with two different brands and each test was negative! (the last one yesterday).

Since yesterday, I noticed that my nipples are very, very bad (I mean really bad lol, even if the damage coup sheets in front of them!) And last night, I, I realized that the blue veins start to show my breasts to feel They found that stand pat in May, when by it and to my nipples, my Clevage in both breasts. My question is: I know what happens in pregnancy, but it is KNOWN to get women if they are not pregnant? When you arrive in time, perhaps? Or is known as a symptom of pregnancy?

Also, my other symptoms, an increase in cream, white discharge (no smell), seizures (involve about a week for 2 weeks), headache and feel very, very tired all the time. What do you think? Do you think because I definitely BFN is not pregnant?

Thus, the period or pregnancy?


Anonymous said...

I went through this, I thought it could my period or was sick or something, but then I say dark blue veins, nausea, headache and wanted to sleep all the time
They seem to have no symptoms, do not think in pregnant TIME!: P
Good luck, do a test, this could be your time!
Good luck and best wishes for you and your fr Bubi perhaps the future!

Rach had baby girl 3rd dec 9lb 2... said...

Veins in the chest are always a sign of pregnancy leave, very dark at all

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