Saturday, January 30, 2010

Frustration 2 Card Game Rules Heard Of Frustration Rummy?

Heard of Frustration Rummy? - frustration 2 card game rules

Has anyone a game as described below, hear? In my family we call Rami frustration, but if you know it under another name, please let me know!

Rami is very similar to normal in the way he played, but there are "received orders" before leaving them and he always plays with a minimum of 4 persons, 2 decks. For example, the first contract, "2 to 3 pounds, so you need something like, JJJ and 444 in his hand. You put it down, you have completed your contract with the next and the next round. There are a total 10 cards when you play the cards still in their contracts and more of the same cards, or define other people to their contracts as they require. The remaining contracts are as follows:

1) 2 pounds 3
2) Run Book 3 of 4
3) Run 7
4) 2 pounds 4
5) To 8
6) Run Book 4 of 4
7) Run 9
8) 5 Run Book 3
9) Run 5 and a pair of

Please tell me if you have heard of it!

1 comment:

Dimitri D said...

Never herd, but it looks very cool.

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